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Mikro-Technik GmbH & Co. KG

Corporate Head Office

Industriestrasse 4

D-63927 Bürgstadt



Tel.:    + 49 (0) 9371 - 400592

Fax:    + 49 (0) 9371 - 400570

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Technical applications


Due to continuous development and optimization of our production we are able to adapt the characteristics and functions of the natural fibers in a variety of applications.

Examples of the many features and functions in technical areas are:


  • Filter aid

Applicable for pressure and vacuum filtration

Combinable with usual filters



  • Welding

In addition with Mikro-Technik CMC used as coat additive in welding electrodes

Patented spray plaster and dyes

o Granulated cellulose as substitute for ingrain wallpaper

o Binder and carrier


  • Filler in plastics

used in brake pads, floor covering and other gum and polyurethane parts

active substance carrier in the technolical enzymes production

Reinforcement in building material

o Drywall installation, tunnel building


  • · Ceramics

Aid for the formation of fine-pored ceramics