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Mikro-Technik GmbH & Co. KG

Corporate Head Office

Industriestrasse 4

D-63927 Bürgstadt



Tel.:    + 49 (0) 9371 - 400592

Fax:    + 49 (0) 9371 - 400570

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Mikro-Technik was founded in 1954 by Fritz Weber who built upon the activities of his existing sand and gravel business. The objective of the new company was the micronisation of raw materials using specialized grinding techniques and equipment. This resulted, in 1958, in the successful introduction of novel fibre products based on cellulose. In the 1960’s, a unique continuous production process for CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) was designed, constructed, and successfully commissioned. This plant is still operational, and in 1976, the capacity was increased by the addition of a second production line. In 1985, the manufacturing facility was further expanded by the addition of a purification facility for CMC. A new manufacturing facility was added in 2006 for the manufacture of highly purified fibres for the food industry. In 2009, production of derivatives for the pharmaceutical market commenced.